English version - lojbo xe fanva
Note: This information is outdated. We have stopped
using EFnet, and are now using irc.openprojects.net and
irc.digitalkingdom.org. There is a web page for the channel on
We're often on #lojban on EFnet, in order to improve our skills in
thinking quickly in Lojban. This is also the same channel that is used
by Logfest attendees and other Lojbanists during almost every
You can talk about anything in Lojban, or about Lojban in any language.
Ordinary politeness is expected. In other words, don't beg for chanop privileges and
don't flood.
Channel operators
This people should have operator status (these are nicks, not Lojban names):
- @Broca
- @elron
- @rlpowell
- @sklein
- @Sxem
- @thedward
- @xod
Bots (I suggest velsku kurji mutyminji
as the Lojban equivalent)
DuraMater and indecent are the only bots authorized by us. Indecent
belongs to Rain, and DuraMater belongs to me. If any of them doesn't
have channel operator status, please give it to them.
Offical chat dates and times
Xod recently arranged an official chat session. It was at the 22nd of
April, 2000, and began at 23:00 UTC. There were few visitors. Still, I
made a log of the first part of the discussion, and made it available
IRC channel logs
You can find Mircstats for
#lojban on another site. You can also find Ircstats for
#lojban and a word frequency
list there. The two latter ones are automatically updated every day.
Arnt Richard Johansen,