Welcome to my Nigerian/419 spam collection. My continuing goal is to collect at least one advance fee fraud e-mail from each of the countries of Africa.
Status: 34 down, 18 to go, 52 independent African countries in total.If you have spam from any of the countries that I haven't got yet, please don't hesitate forwarding them to me! Of course, I'll mangle your e-mail address before I post them here, but I will include your name, if it is in the header and you haven't explicitly asked to be anonymous.
This is a prioritised list of the data points used to determine the country for which a Nigerian spam should count. If the first criterion is indeterminable, one proceeds to the next, and so on.
I have instituted this rule because many 419 scammers use 1st world ISPs, so if one were to count the ISP as the country of origin, reaching my goal would be very difficult indeed. The downside is that 419 scammers lie about everything, so they could be lying about the relevant geographical information too.
Countries from outside of Africa, former African countries and stuff to save if I ever want to try for DXCC in spam...