Front page makeover
OK, I admit it. What you are reading now, is technically a 'blog', also known as a weblog. I'm not very fond of neither the word nor the concept. I just wanted an easy way to add some short writings to my front page, and have it fall off when it got too old. Apparently, Greymatter can do this, and more too! I'm still trying to find out how to disable comment posting...
I apologize if you are trying to find any of the links that were on my old front page, and can't find them in the sidebar on the left (or at the bottom, if you can't/won't use style sheets.
I also apologize if you miss the old colour scheme (the one with the fractal ant background). You can still use that in Mozilla if you go to View -> Use style -> Classic. Or you could just visit my old home page over at FIX, until they HTTP redirect it here.
[Tuesday, Mar 18, 2003 @ 01:48] | [] | # | G