Welcome to the World Wide Web. Anything you say, can and will be used against you.
Google indexes a lot of web pages. Probably all the ones you've ever produced, and most of those who mention your name.
*Roots through ~/www/ to find and remove things he wouldn't want his future employers to find out about, before the Internet Archive gets hold of it*
[Monday, Sep 15, 2003 @ 20:38] | [tech/web] |
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Terragen section opened
I have uploaded many of my Terragen images, along with thumbnails and annotations at my new Terragen section. Expect more images to seep in as I finish them.
The pictures there are actually several years worth of production, but I waited this long to put them up because I figured it would be more interesting to look at a few pages worth of rendered landscapes rather than just one or two. Besides, I had to pay NVG to size up my disk quota a little bit first...
[Saturday, Apr 05, 2003 @ 18:29] | [art] |
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Ad Verbum: a successful IF form experiment
If you like Interactive Fiction at all, I would like to draw your attention to Ad Verbum, a marvellous game written in 2000 by Nick Montfort. When I first downloaded this, I really didn't expect it to be any fun at all |AMP|emdash; I prefer IF that is more a story than a game, and I generally detest puzzle-heavy games because they tend to get me stuck early. As Graham Nelson puts it, an adventure game is a narrative at war with a crossword puzzle; in this game, the narrative doesn't really put up much of a fight at all. And I love it! Because the puzzles in Ad Verbum are really good puzzles.
In Ad Verbum, the adventurer's day labor corner assigns you the job of clearing out the mansion of the Wizard or Wordplay. You basically have to remove all objects from all rooms in the mansion, and place them in a container. Sounds easy? Well, it would have been, weren't it for the fact that all commands have to start with the same letter as the name of the cardinal direction the room is in. Now, that is one blatant breach of the rule that players should never have to 'guess the verb'. And the upper stories of the building sets even more restrictions on the commands you can enter.
I admit that I had to use the hint system extensively to complete this game. But I have an excuse. Which is that I am not a native speaker of English. I strongly suspect that mr. Montfort must have used a thesaurus when writing the game, to cover all synonyms of 'take' and 'exit' that starts with a specific letter. But I managed to complete at least a sizable portion of the puzzles unaided, which is more than I can say about other nominally 'puzzle-light' games. In short, an incredibly funny game, worth a few hours of your time.
[Tuesday, Mar 18, 2003 @ 20:06] | [reviews] |
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Front page makeover
OK, I admit it. What you are reading now, is technically a 'blog', also known as a weblog. I'm not very fond of neither the word nor the concept. I just wanted an easy way to add some short writings to my front page, and have it fall off when it got too old. Apparently, Greymatter can do this, and more too! I'm still trying to find out how to disable comment posting...
I apologize if you are trying to find any of the links that were on my old front page, and can't find them in the sidebar on the left (or at the bottom, if you can't/won't use style sheets.
I also apologize if you miss the old colour scheme (the one with the fractal ant background). You can still use that in Mozilla if you go to View -> Use style -> Classic. Or you could just visit my old home page over at FIX, until they HTTP redirect it here.
[Tuesday, Mar 18, 2003 @ 01:48] | [tech/web] |
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